February Self Care & Freedom

February is a month of fast-paced change influenced by the interactions between Saturn (control and limitations) and Aquarius (innovation and unpredictability), Taurus (cautious and unconventional) and Uranus (deep truths and breakthrough).  So lots of triggers for the dynamic of control & traditional ways of viewing the world vs. freedom, innovation and truth. For those of… Continue Reading


The Gift of 2021

The Gift of 2021 Finally, 2020 has drawn to a close and the new year awaits and many of us are wondering what to expect? Astrologically, 2021 will definitely be an easier ride. New beginnings are gifts. The planetary interactions are not as intense this year and there are only four eclipses versus six last… Continue Reading


Lunar Eclipse in Gemini & the Age of Aquarius

November 30   Lunar Eclipse in Gemini & the Age of Aquarius   This month’s full moon also holds the focus for a lunar eclipse in Gemini. Full moons typically hold an intense energy of clarity and transparency that is reflected through the prism of the astrological sign that it is aligned with, here being the… Continue Reading


Taurus Full Moon & Halloween

As we move into the portal of energy with the full moon and Halloween on Saturday, we are called to reflect on our personal empowerment. Personal empowerment or quite simply, are you feeling empowered or is your energy dissipated by relating to externals in your everyday? A focus on personal empowerment or sovereignty is also… Continue Reading


Fall Equinox and Riding the Winds of Change

Fall Equinox is a beautifully powerful retreat within for reflection amidst the busy energy of September. For while it’s a natural time to focus on work, school and special projects, Equinox this year is a reminder to pace ourselves. To enjoy the process of creation & doing a job well and simply enjoying the effort… Continue Reading


Creativity and Reset~ April 2020

Happy New Moon- Creativity and Reset Quarantine time, as many of us have noticed, is the time for breaking old patterns. Change & freedom can be disruptive-or liberating. We often say we want more freedom in our lives but now that most, except those working in “essential jobs” have it, we are finding that the… Continue Reading


February & Empowerment- new moon 2020

February New Moon 2020 Happy New Moon! As many of you probably noticed, this was an unusual New Moon with a lot of emotional clutter, as if to remind us of the eternal question of how to stay focused in your heart even when you are tired or have a lot of movement around you…… Continue Reading


Eclipse & Transformation ~July 4th 2020

So here we are in the pre-eclipse energy of the 4th of July! A reminder that the eclipse energies are a magnified version of the full moon. They usually churn up a lot of emotional wounding on a personal and collective level to come up and be healed AND they can be an incredible vortex… Continue Reading


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