February & Empowerment- new moon 2020

February New Moon 2020

Happy New Moon! As many of you probably noticed, this was an unusual New Moon with a lot of emotional clutter, as if to remind us of the eternal question of how to stay focused in your heart even when you are tired or have a lot of movement around you…

Mid February is here with its snowy winter weather and longer days as we approach Spring Equinox in mid-March. The energy of the new moon is beckoning us to consider again our priorities for 2020 on all levels, practical of work and home, caring for the physical body and tuning into the spirit of our Higher Self on a daily basis. This can be challenging as the feeling of chaos is in the air with the enlightenment energies triggered after the January eclipse, the flu season, and now Mercury retrograde. Some years it’s easier to move forward and think clearly, but admittedly this year I feel sometimes it is been so challenging the feeling of walking between dimensions that it’s reminiscent of walking through a fog or even Jell-O. This influx of energy did stimulate many creative new ideas and with it in impatience to see them come into action, as the energy had that feeling of wired and tired many times. If you are feeling this you are not alone!

It can be a bit challenging to get mental clarity in the midst of this and to do a balancing game between moving forward on what seems important-“In the Moment” and what to release with a heavy dose of trusting. As many of you are probably noticing it is far more difficult to rely on the old linear planning. The ego brain doesn’t want to let go of this illusion of security, but with release come surprising synchronicities and the feeling of ease.

Having general structures of routine in our life is useful as we move forward in creating a 2020 we like, but balancing it with openness to walk forward even when the path is foggy, trusting that if we stumble off a cliff it could be the opportunity to let go and fly!

Affirmations: I AM open to synchronicities and miracles

I AM trusting in the flow of life.

I AM centered in the love of my heart

I AM supported in creating a life I love!

Amidst the vortex of change in our life in the world around us


The Power of Prayer in the Matrix

We are all sensitive in differing degrees to the energy of the world around us-yet it’s up to us release victimhood & remember our role as creator beings. The matrix of life is in constant movement and we can participate as we choose.

Amidst the vortex of change in our life and in the world around us, remember a blessing never goes amiss. Whether it be to friends and family (and ourselves!) or to the world around us, the loving energy of a blessing can work wonders! Sending a simple blessing, especially in meditation, to friends and family, our community, our country and our global community is a beautiful way of sharing our love, bringing positive change to the collective consciousness and being a part of the miracle of life!


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