Creativity and Reset~ April 2020

Happy New Moon- Creativity and Reset

Quarantine time, as many of us have noticed, is the time for breaking old patterns. Change & freedom can be disruptive-or liberating. We often say we want more freedom in our lives but now that most, except those working in “essential jobs” have it, we are finding that the absence of structure can be definitely very disruptive. Without noticing it, over the years we have literally trained our brain to experience joy, happiness, disappointment and peace a particular way.  On freedom mode now, we get the chance to take a look at what is working for us and what we can change.

It reminds us how useful mental & emotional flexibility is when we are negotiating change. Looking for options and creative solutions, all with a dose of patience.

It can be a time to observe our relationships and our connection to ourselves. At times to fine tune our microcosm of self and family/partner/close friends while the microcosm of the world readjusts. Living in such close proximity with a lot of uncertainty can be taxing for all and it’s good to remember that friction and breakdown in communication can be a useful part of breakthrough into building deeper intimacy. So no judgment if some days feel less wonderful than others!

Bringing creativity and play into your daily life is a great way for bringing renewal. Do you have any creative projects you haven’t had time for-well now is the time! What is calling you to play or create something? This can look like anything from playing with your kids and pets, dancing in candlelight, taking a walk in the park, trying new recipes, planting in the garden, sketching, doodling or writing.

Play is often so underrated in our busy modern world but it is an important part of our humanness. Play and creativity help us create a balance between the masculine left brain focus of action, efficiency and goals and the feminine right brain movement of free flow and receptivity, insight and inspiration.

For whether quarantine is over in a flash or lasts a while, our lives can be enriched on many layers if we choose to see this as an opportunity for a deep reset.

I AM a creative spark of God consciousness

I AM light

I AM love and I AM peace


Namaste Creative Hearts! With much love Christine Esdaile

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Artwork by Peter Esdaile-The Taming of the Birds


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