The Gift of 2021

The Gift of 2021

Finally, 2020 has drawn to a close and the new year awaits and many of us are wondering what to expect? Astrologically, 2021 will definitely be an easier ride. New beginnings are gifts. The planetary interactions are not as intense this year and there are only four eclipses versus six last year. With that said, the year is slated to still be a year of continued REVEALS and upheavals– BUT they should not feel as jarring or as devastating as last year. Perhaps because many of us have gotten better in going with the flow and letting go of the need to think that everything needs to be 100% predictable, when life clearly is not.

Living from the heart, is about honesty, trust and believing in yourself.

True, it is likely that there will still be a good deal of major chaos in the geopolitical externals in the world around us until late March/April. To a certain extent we can impact externals, but some of it we just have to take on trust and consider how can we do self-care and create positive momentum in your life in spite of this. As a creator of your own reality what do you want to create in 2021?

2020 was a purging year, a year where life moved more slowly so that we were given a chance to see clearly the dramas that we perpetuate, or allow to be perpetuated, around ourselves. It was a year that drove us to ask ourselves the question of what do we really value and are we living by those values? Not are we perfect, but are we trying to live from an open heart and joy or freedom or whatever else you value. The full moon and cancer that we just transited through held a focus on safety and comfort, but also the possibility of reminding us of how we can be peacemakers with integrity. This full moon was an emotional one for many, triggering wounding in some and an attempt to control with others.

As we release 2020, if you have not done so already it’s a good time to do a recap of what made you strong and resilient? What did you learn about yourself last year? What do you really truly value? What were the high points of your year? The low points? And what are you grateful for?

Getting really clear on this helps us make room in our lives to create anew.

What do you want to create in 2021?

Here’s to wishing you an amazing January!

Namaste,  Christine






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