Taurus Full Moon & Halloween

As we move into the portal of energy with the full moon and Halloween on Saturday, we are called to reflect on our personal empowerment. Personal empowerment or quite simply, are you feeling empowered or is your energy dissipated by relating to externals in your everyday? A focus on personal empowerment or sovereignty is also on another level a reminder that our basic needs for safety and security are best met by listening to our connection with Divine Source and not relying on the externals of any particular person, politician, employer or partner. All play a role, but our divine connection with source is the most important in creating a higher vibe life path. This is a relevant question as the duality of the election cycle plays out, with all the information being presented we can quickly flip into fight or flight mode and step out of a centered place where we feel strong and empowered.

October has been a very challenging month for many with a lot of dark energies moving in the astral plane. Many notice this as a heaviness of thought patterns and also not uncommon the surge in nightmares etc. at this time. Self-care, clearing and simply keep the faith. Through the years I have often noticed the surge of this before Halloween and have had to spend extra time clearing and helping souls pass through. 2020 October though is something new all over again.

The Taurus full moon, brings with it an energy of rapid change, liberation and discovery both for ourselves and for the world around us. Things are moving so fast it can feel like being on a high-speed train, where the landscape is nothing but a blur outside. And rightly so because rapid change is a destabilization of things as we know it and it is up to us to watch it and process from a centered place in our heart. Add to this the moon’s conjunction of Uranus, and the energy moves towards big reveals that feel like a flash of lightning. Bold and BIG and rapid! Looking back, you could see the clues but were too busy to notice them. Okay, but here we are right now! Time to stop and take note whether you need a course correction. But hang in there, the future timeline, that most of us Wayshowers are seeing is one of pure Golden Light. Humanity HAS a beautiful future in front of us, in spite of some speed bumps on the way.

The full moon now is also a tumultuous time because we have Mercury in Retrograde until November 3, that often brings up the opportunity for renewal and reflection and relationship issues. Take time to listen with patience and kindness, and listen to when you need a timeout also. In addition, we also have a crazy mix of the frustration of Mars retrograde which makes for obstacles and frustrations … But then we also have beautiful Venus, bringing the potential for healing. Watch your emotions and be mindful where you would like to put your energy.

Yes, emotions can abound right now. Everything from sad, worried, angry or impatience, but it’s good to step back and see the bigger picture, to release your emotions and tune into the frequency of your heart. Absolutely, process new information that comes, research on your own and don’t rely on any particular source as you put together what is your personal truth.

Tuning into love and peace can be done with integrity and engagement, but it often includes a need for timeout for nurturing and self-love. Centering regularly into self-love and meditation, provides the clarity to engage with integrity & makes it possible to go with the flow at high speeds and trust the Divine Plan in change.

Take care and take time to be in your heart space!


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