Faith and the Roar of Lion’s Gate ~August 2020

We are now in the portal of Lions Gate, August 8 (8-8), when the star Sirirus ( Orion’s belt constellation) aligns with the pyramid of Giza & the infinity of the number 8. Typically, this is a very potent time of personal empowerment. The roar of Leo makes it much easier to let go of self-doubt and move into the expansion of divine consciousness. It’s a time to look at what’s your highest timeline moving forward in your career or on a personal level. What is your heart calling you to try and do and what steps can you take?

Yet before 8-8, we will be transiting through a very volatile full moon, so fasten your seatbelts and be clear on what’s your highest timeline. Full moons are always a time to be mindful of this more than otherwise, as they are often an emphasis point for lower energies, and the collective consciousness is rife with anger and despair played out conflicts in the news. We are given the choice to ride the roller coaster of the blame game of anger and victim consciousness. OR we can step aside and hold the energy of love, wisdom and peace and share this with others.

We are in the midst of global change right now, but we are at an early point of making an omelette, with the cracked shells and raw eggs, but no omelette is yet in sight. It is a time that calls for faith in the goodness of humanity and the belief that we are divinely supported!

How are you doing after the emotional month of July? The energies of July have made special demands upon us with the emotional concerns of security and safety of Cancer combined with the intense feeling of responsibility and duty with Saturn. For many this played out as an incredibly busy month of feeling overwhelm, and finding balance and relaxation was a challenge. On top of it the planetary energies have seen a change in magnetics, which many experienced as feelings of incredible exhaustion as the physical body has been adjusting.

If you are not already doing it, consider supporting your immune system with rest, sunshine, fresh air lots of fresh veggies and vitamin C, D, Zinc, chlorophyll and quercetin.

Tune into the magic of the comet Neowise that can be seen in the nighttime sky by the Big Dipper. Coments are often auspicious harbingers of change-so take a peek and fill your heart with its beauty!








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