Fall Equinox and Riding the Winds of Change

Fall Equinox is a beautifully powerful retreat within for reflection amidst the busy energy of September. For while it’s a natural time to focus on work, school and special projects, Equinox this year is a reminder to pace ourselves. To enjoy the process of creation & doing a job well and simply enjoying the effort rather than just be focused on the results!

It is also a time of gratitude for nature’s bounty of the summer, all the amazing flowers that have shared their energy with us and all the vegetables and herbs that share their nurturing and healing with us. During equinox, we feel the beginning of the end of summer as the nature spirits and the fairies begin to retreat into earth as plants are decaying and will team in the colder nights. If you feel called to, you can honor them with a simple ceremony on equinox itself by lighting a candle and leaving some goodies in the garden for the fairies. (And the raccoons and squirrels too!)

The energy influx of light encodements in equinox can bring a surge of freedom and the promise of hope as we look forward to the energy of renewal and rebirth in Winter Solstice and Christmas. Yet, the intensity of the energy this month can also cause us to look at what we are most afraid of. Frustration and anger can be intense right now as Mars is in retrograde until mid-November. Mars can have a very positive aspect of wanting you to take initiative and get things done, and in retrograde we are reminded of thoroughness and patience. Breathing into these emotions when they arise and walk away from the blockage-let it release when you can. Perhaps your emotions are guiding you to solve a problem that needs attention. Or simply be open to new solutions that could present themselves. What triggers you most right now? Is it something you can solve? Could you be willing to let go of it-even just a little part of it? How would it feel to let go of it?

This month the energetic influxes have for many been impacting the digestive system with a lot of upset and nausea, cranial expansion with headaches and muscle spasms. Supplementing with magnesium can be of to help support the nervous system and muscles. Coconut water and bananas can also be supportive and providing the body with needed potassium too. Rest and get outside and enjoy some fresh air as you feel called!



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