February Self Care & Freedom

February is a month of fast-paced change influenced by the interactions between Saturn (control and limitations) and Aquarius (innovation and unpredictability), Taurus (cautious and unconventional) and Uranus (deep truths and breakthrough).  So lots of triggers for the dynamic of control & traditional ways of viewing the world vs. freedom, innovation and truth.

For those of you who are energy sensitive, February has been less exhausting than January so far, although we’ve had a number of geomagnetic storms that have brought a lot of fluctuations in the planetary magnetics. We can definitely expect a number of surges of energy again as we move through February and into the energies of the Spring Equinox in March. Finding a good balance between light or moderate exercise and stretching/yoga, and rest is key as well as supporting your immune system with vitamins C, D & Zinc and herbs such as oregano and tea tree oil. Try to take electronic breaks and turn off your Wi-Fi at night. Turning off your Wi-Fi gives your nervous and endocrine systems a chance to rest as they get overstimulated from all the electromagnetic fields.

While January 2021 was a month of releasing the old, February’s theme is of jumping into a “new you” as you consider new roles and interests. How can the new you be of service to others as you care for yourself?

The energy around the new moon facilitated letting go of old wounds that created self-limiting beliefs about yourself and the world around you. Often this can feel like a visceral feeling of having your heart torn open as you release these wounds and open to new ways of believing in yourself. Your life is a canvas for creating and 2021 is an opportunity to re-create and reinvent yourself. The middle of the month can feel very intense and drama filled on a personal and global level, and then we are offered a full Moon in Virgo on February 27, that invites us to go within and really nurture ourselves. Virgo beckons us with a focus on health and nature, and considering how can you create cozy times for yourself and your family? Careful though, Virgo’s shadow side is perfectionism, which is definitely not relaxing and cozy!

This month challenges us to keep the focus on self love, self discovery and self-care as the world reinvents itself around us too. As I had mentioned in last month’s update, “ it is likely that there will still be a good deal of major chaos in the geopolitical externals in the world around us until late March/April.” Lately I’ve had quite a few people asking me about changes in the external and more than ever I feel it’s important to not attach to any version of what change might look like but simply to try to stay in your heart is much as possible and send love and prayers to the collective for the highest outcome for everyone. For we can all worry and speculate, but all timelines are in movement with a lot of sudden upheavals, that can catch us up in worry and fear.

It’s a good idea to take note of how you are responding and interacting with all the different narratives going on regarding the externals of geopolitical activities, because from an astrological point of view we will be cycling through a number of stages of strong societal changes EVERY YEAR until 2024 and to some degree 2027. That can be exhausting if you get caught up in all the details.

Step back and into your heart and consider once again, as a creator of your own reality ~what do you want to create in 2021? How can you be open for integrating higher levels of consciousness and be more open to your Higher Self? And how can you bring more love and light into the world around you?

Namaste, Christine





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