Eclipse & Transformation ~July 4th 2020

So here we are in the pre-eclipse energy of the 4th of July! A reminder that the eclipse energies are a magnified version of the full moon. They usually churn up a lot of emotional wounding on a personal and collective level to come up and be healed AND they can be an incredible vortex of manifestation.

On a personal level, eclipse portals are an opportunity for clearing house and really finding your own personal power. So pay attention to what comes up for clearing and what beautiful version of New Earth you would like to create in the months coming up. Consider sending the intention of peacefulness, abundance and healing for the collective as we move into this powerful time.

The eclipse moon, which is a penumbral, or partial eclipse will be in Capricorn, setting a focus on practical issues and personal security. This eclipse will be passing over North and South America, Africa and part of Western Europe. The areas in which the eclipse passes over are the areas that are most impacted by it for the next six months. And since the eclipse happens on July 4th, we can rightly expect that the United States will see some sort of impact. Especially so because since February 2020, we see a parallel to the astrological chart that was in play during the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. This special constellation has an emphasis on bold new ways, new communications, revelations and perhaps technology, combined with a focus on traditions and structures, FORGIVENESS and transformation.

July 4, 1776 ushered in tremendous changes for the colonies that were soon to be the United States and we can only wonder what opportunities of change lie in wait for the United States and the global collective as we move forward in healing.

A Happy Fourth of July to all of you in celebration and sending out high vibes for positive transformation!




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