Soul Expansion in April 2021

April is a month of finding balance, as we are integrating the energies of the Equinox. For those of you who are energy sensitive,  March was an exhausting months for many energetically. There was a lot of electromagnetic activity, Geomagnetic storms and plasma waves, and even pets especially cats were affected by this, sleeping far more than normal and occasionally having it impact their immune systems. Adding a few drops of colloidal silver, to water on a daily basis during these transitions, can be helpful for yourself and your pets.

Observing the influx of energies is useful for two reasons. Initially, to care for your body, and secondly, they tend to stimulate emotional releases, so it’s good to be aware and work with processing things that come up. April will be a time of integrating these energetic shifts in our aura as our physical bodies are adjusting to the change in vibration.

As the sun comes out more with the arrival of spring, try to get out and catch at least 15 minutes of the glorious sun. Tuning into the sun is of course a boost to the psyche, and even if you have been supplementing vitamin D throughout the year you will find that the vitamin D stimulated by contact with the sun is more readily processed by your body, giving your immune system a boost!

April is also a month to recoup your energy after a long winter. It is a month of renewal when we ask ourselves-Who am I today? What do I value about myself most? And what do others value? Am I able to express some of my own unique soul’s expression on a regular basis? What does this creative expression look like?

Being creative is an important part of grounding your soul essence, because in doing so you are sharing part of your uniqueness with others. Is there a creative expression that you have been drawn to and are you working with it? Even if you have a busy life, taking time to do something creative for at least one hour, three times a week brings so much renewal and playfulness into your life.

So in April what is your soul calling for you to expand into be-ing or into do-ing?

Are there obstacles that are coming up that have a special message for you?

If you’d like some support in getting clear about how you’d like to create renewal in your life or some support in grounding your ideas, a personal session or a package of sessions can help you shift with ease and grace.

Below are some specials to help you clear out the old and create some new magic in 2021 for yourself.

Lots of love to you!

Namaste, Christine

April specials for creating powerful forward momentum in your life:

Single sessions for new clients:  $85

2 sessions for new and repeat clients: $155

1 session Distant healing: $45

Art by Peter Esdaile


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