Super Flower Blood Moon & Eclipse~May 2021

The Super Flower Blood Moon of May 26, ushers in the energy of a Total Lunar Eclipse that will impact North America and parts of Europe. Lunar eclipses close the door on a chapter of life, and syncing with the energy of it are a great way to get closure and move on. It’s natural at this time to feel a sense of reflection on the past but careful to not get stuck in nostalgia for it either.   This eclipse is influenced primarily by the energy of Sagittarius, giving us a sense of enthusiasm and idealism AND while it impacts us on a personal level, it also influences the Collective Consciousness of humanity and offers a choice point of change. Insights and revelations abound as you tune into your heart in the present with gratitude for the past. Use the next two weeks to notice what is ready to let go. Maybe you’re noticing an old conflict or blowout has resolved itself and you’re ready to move on? Perhaps you need to share from your heart to heal? Or it could be time to release it to your Higher Self and God in prayer. Release, plant some flowers and celebrate the renewal of life around you.

The energy that the eclipse brings makes it feel like these issues are simply lifting and shaking out of your consciousness, releasing into the periphery as memory. Observe mindfully. Let go and be open for the changes that will be coming up with the Solar Eclipse in Gemini right around the corner on June 10th. Gemini always brings with it the energy of quick change and adaptability, communication and ideas, so be open to go with the flow of newer lighter thoughts, emotions and inspirations.

And last but not least in this Trinary cycle, June will be winding up with Summer Solstice on the 20th solstice in Cancer bringing in introversion and calm after a turbulent and fast-paced month.

To be sure, for energy sensitives the next six weeks will probably be experienced as exhilarating but intense, so enjoy the flow of a time heady with the sense of summer flowers and fresh new ideas, release the old & rest when you need.

Namaste, Christine


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