Your Personal Progress Report

As our life moves along & changes so do our expectations . In the spring we eagerly we look forward to warmer weather, tulips and closeting heavy coats and boots. Yet with it also comes our desires for positive changes on a more personal level.  And we begin to reflect and wonder whether we are truly seeing progress on our New Year’s resolutions, projects and plans. Are your goals starting to materialize and gain traction as the month of March begins or are you left feeling like you are treading water?

While the view there in the water might be beautiful and you might be feeling comfortable and safe where you are at, ultimately moving forward is your goal. So now might be a good time to take a minute and stop to a momentary personal progress report. In your progress report, you might want to reflect back on your journey of the last two months and how you have spent your time. What are the ways that you have grown? What have you learned? Perhaps you have accomplished some things that are also worth noting .

If things are moving along, but perhaps slower than desired, you might want to examine what has worked for you and what hasn’t, and do a slight alteration of your course.  Examining why you are slowing down, distracted or lacking in motivation and what you can do to change that can be a useful part of your process . What’s your frustration or hesitation about? Perhaps you need to honor your need for rest or renewal or maybe your goal needs to be broken down into smaller parts, so that it does not feel so overwhelming.  Or perhaps you feel that it would be beneficial with some further training, schooling, mentoring or coaching to support you.

Take time to consider and assess your options before going full speed ahead is useful, but it’s good to be mindful to not get lost in hesitation, for all the while the world around us is moving, changing and evolving and as a visionary person you probably want to be an active part of positively shaping your life, career, workplace and community.

Just remember, it’s your world and your life-so be engaged and enjoy your journey! 

As our life moves along & changes so do our expectations . In the spring we eagerly we look forward to warmer weather, tulips and closeting heavy coats and boots. Yet with it also comes our desires for positive changes on a more personal level.  And we begin to reflect and wonder whether we are truly seeing progress on our New Year’s resolutions, projects and plans. Are your goals starting to materialize and gain traction as the month of March begins or are you left feeling like you are treading water?


While the view there in the water might be beautiful and you might be feeling comfortable and safe where you are at, ultimately moving forward is your goal. So now might be a good time to take a minute and stop to a momentary personal progress report. In your progress report, you might want to reflect back on your journey of the last two months and how you have spent your time. What are the ways that you have grown? What have you learned? Perhaps you have accomplished some things that are also worth noting .

If things are moving along, but perhaps slower than desired, you might want to examine what has worked for you and what hasn’t, and do a slight alteration of your course.  Examining why you are slowing down, distracted or lacking in motivation and what you can do to change that can be a useful part of your process . What’s your frustration or hesitation about? Perhaps you need to honor your need for rest or renewal or maybe your goal needs to be broken down into smaller parts, so that it does not feel so overwhelming.  Or perhaps you feel that it would be beneficial with some further training, schooling, mentoring or coaching to support you.

Take time to consider and assess your options before going full speed ahead is useful, but it’s good to be mindful to not get lost in hesitation, for all the while the world around us is moving, changing and evolving and as a visionary person you probably want to be an active part of positively shaping your life, career, workplace and community.

Just remember, it’s your world and your life-so be engaged and enjoy your journey!


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