2014 The Year of the Wood Horse ~ Power, Higher Purpose, Joy & Creativity

According to the Chinese calendar, 2014 is the year of the wood horse, a time of powerful movement forward with higher purpose. Our calendar years contain archetypal energies much like a divine template that God source has given us to examine the different aspects of your life. For many of us then, 2014 may sound like incredibly good news as perhaps you have felt the energy of 2013~ The Year of the Water Snake, a time of profound reflection, shedding of unproductive old mental and emotional patterns and big personal transformations. While last year triggered deep awakening and changes for many, in 2014 the horse’s fire energy combined with the wood essence fueling the flames, ushers in anenergy of enjoying the impact of our deep personal work from last year… and a chance to build upon the foundation that we were cultivating in our personal and spiritual growth of 2013.

The surefooted, swift movement of the horse brings the possibility of a deeper level of expression, of sharing of ourselves, of embracing more of ourselves, & in courageously doing so-healing more of our shadow sides. Thus this year brings with it the possibility of exploring creative ideas, much joyful social interaction and self-healing.

With this year we are being called to bring our joy out into the world, to share of ourselves, to explore our creativity- the glorious expansiveness of our soul in physical form. Creativity can come in many shapes and forms, and for many it appears in the classical art forms of painting, drawing, music or writing. However, creativity can be found in such an abundance of other expressions like cooking, innovative and business projects, gardening, jewelry making, interior design, photography, film production, song and dance.  As adults it can be easy to get hung up in worrying about the quality of our creativity and whether we’re good enough-a concern that often stops many of us from even trying. Yet, our souls long for the opportunity to sing our uniqueness to the world by simply doing and not worrying about the outcome. To dream, explore and create.

So what is your mission for 2014? What are you being called to do? Nevermind what ego says is a bright idea, but instead tune into the voice of divine will that connects you with joy and love. And from that point within your heart, what creative impulses do you have? Perhaps you have seen fleeting images in your daydreams or your night dream state? These visions fragments and daily impulses-flashes of “what ifs” are given to us to consider as a possibility to light up our life. Pursuing your mission can include letting go of things that no longer serve you in order to make room for the new and indeed, it is important to clear out or retire old projects or jobs that take your time and focus- step back & let the magic happen!

If you are in doubt about what your mission for 2014 is, consider for a moment:

  1. What would make your life more joyful or fun in 2014? Is there any way you can include that in your life?
  2. What creative dreams are bubbling up in your consciousness? What would it feel like to include them in your life?
  3. Make a vision board -a collage of images made from drawings or magazine clippings of what you would like to be included in your 2014.
  4. Then start taking the necessary baby steps or big step towards making your dreams happen

Blessings to you in 2014 ~ May it be a year that ignites your imagination and joy of life!


Copyright © 2013 Christine Esdaile All rights reserved.  Please Share with Credit!

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