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July~Solstice Integration

After the hectic extroverted go-go energy of June, July has such an expansive feel as we move deeper into integrating the energies of Summer Solstice. This year’s solstice was one of the most powerful in years and the light body for many was given a huge upgrade. The upgrade feels like an even easier connection to the divine source, unconditional love, joy & lots of creative ideas! There can also be moments that have a dreamlike quality and elements of feeling weepy, the good kind of almost tearful feeling you have when you’re letting go of something you no longer need.

However, the physical body for many of us have been really challenged by this upgrade, more so than in a while. Rest is really important right now, both to let physical body integrate and to simply process and integrate this level of higher consciousness. Third eye, throat chakra and pineal clearings have been presenting, sometimes with purging mucus. Slow down. Let it all clear. Feel into the lightness & let it feel like the new normal!

The energy of Cancer is an invitation to go deep on your understanding of your own life purpose and how that is constantly changing. To go deep on what self-care means to you and to go deep in your understanding and experiencing of the spiritual dimensions of life. I was given this understanding very clearly when my logical Left brain last week was forced to slow down by being exhausted. My logical brain wanted to race ahead on different projects and was frustrated by being tired. And I have to admit in the middle of slowing down that I was shown so many beautiful nuances in a project that I have been working on. Moral of the story, sometimes slow movement brings a quality to our work and our lives that is not to be missed!

As July opens up in front of us, lean into the opportunity for contemplation and reflection in your self-care. Go deep, dream big, and you will feel rejuvenated and ready for the brilliant blazing Leo energy of August!



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